People of the Muslim faith in Singapore are subject to not only the Singapore civil law, but also of Syariah law. This is a complex area, but there are a num...
In Muslim law, there are specific rules that apply to gifts or hibah, and this article will address such rules.
This article discusses the Muslim law of inheritance or Faraid. These rules generally apply to the assets of a deceased Muslim, though we will address some e...
If you want to learn about divorce proceedings in the Syariah Court, keep reading because this article will guide you through the steps you need to undertake...
There are specific issues and claims that might arise in divorce proceedings in the Syariah Court. This article gives an overview on some of the common matte...
There are two recurring issues in divorce proceedings in Syariah Court, which the court must determine. These are:
Khuluk is an Arabic term that means to release, to allow to leave, to exonerate, or to set free. Under Muslim matrimonial law, khuluk means to divorce by red...
This article addresses the multiple types of divorce and grounds for divorce under Muslim law.
Not being able to pay off debts on time may lead to the legal state of bankruptcy, losing property to creditors, and the restriction of financial and other r...
You may not think that bankruptcy could ever happen to you, but life and finances can surprise anyone. Those who think bankruptcy is an easy solution to a ba...
If you are unlucky enough to have been injured at work, or developed a condition or disease because of your employment, then understanding your rights is ver...
When a company restructures, reorganises, or liquidates, retrenchment may occur. While this may be a painful and uncomfortable option, businesses sometimes h...