Personal Legal Procedures

How to Change Your Name in Singapore by Deed Poll

How to Change Your Name in Singapore by Deed Poll

Changing one’s name in Singapore has become more and more popular for various reasons. Some reasons for doing so are to make a name fit in with international standards, to correct a mistake, or to make it shorter or longer. For any of these reasons, a person who wishes to change their name should see a lawyer who can prepare the necessary documentation and verify their identity as required by law.

An experienced lawyer will help with drafting the Deed Poll, which is a standard document for a name change. A lawyer will also witness your signature, and have your documents ready for submission to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA). In many situations, a streamlined process will allow you to complete the process within 1 to 2 days of making the request.

What you can change in your name

Although you are free to change your name as many times as you wish, there are certain limitations on changes that the ICA will accept. Below is the list of what can and what cannot be changed:

What can be changed What can’t be changed
First name and/or last name of your children after divorce Changing a name to make it resemble that of a famous politician or another public figure
The sequence of your surname and first name Adding words, denominating honorary titles such as Datuk or Sir
Correcting, deleting or adding Chinese or other symbols to/from your name Any offensive, vulgar, obscene or otherwise unacceptable names
Your name after divorce  
Adding/deleting part of your name  
Changing/deleting punctuation in your name, if any  

What is the Deed Poll?

The Deed Poll is a legal document needed to change names in Singapore. This document declares that an individual is renouncing his or her old name to adopt a new name.


According to regulations, a Deed Poll in Singapore shall be drafted by a lawyer who can verify the identity of the person changing the name, and in the presence of the said lawyer, signed by the individual whose name is being changed. Only after the Deed Poll is witnessed by a Singaporean lawyer can it be submitted to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority for changing the name on the person’s identity card.

What are the procedures and steps involved?

The first step is to visit a lawyer who will draft the Deed Poll and have your identity verified. During this visit, you will need to have either of the following documents:

  • Singapore National Registration Identity Card (NRIC);
  • Passport;
  • NS Green IC; or
  • Singapore Blue Identity Card (for Permanent Residents).

Please note that when changing the name of a minor under 21 years of age, the list of documents includes the minor’s Birth Certificate and Identity Card (for children over 15 years of age), as well as identification documents of the parent(s) signing the Deed Poll.

After you have signed the Deed Poll, you are ready to visit the ICA office to have your new name changed in your NRIC and recorded in their database. Once you receive the new NRIC card, you must update your passport and other documents.

Changing the name in your documentation

The most important document to update after you change your name in Singapore is your passport. You must apply for a new passport with the ICA after registering your name change with them.

You will also need to update your name in all documents you have with other organisations, such as your insurers, landlord, banks, and other institutions. You will also need to contact schools and universities where you have studied to have your new name reflected in your academic records.

The bank will have to take your credit card to change your name on the plastic. You may want to inform the HR department of your company and your mobile operator of your name change as well.

Note that there are certain documents that cannot be changed. For instance, you cannot change the name on your marriage certificate or certificate of birth, except for children who are less than one year old.

Changing names of children

In general, changing the name of children until they reach the age of 21 is only possible if there is the consent of both parents, who must visit their lawyers and sign the Deed Poll.

If a child lives with only one of the parents, the consent and signature of the other parent on the Deed Poll is still necessary. The Deed Poll may be signed by one parent only when one parent has sole custody of the child, or if the other parent has passed away–which shall be confirmed to the ICA by a death certificate.

While children are not required to go the lawyers’ offices to sign the Deed Poll, both parents (or only one of them under circumstances as described above) must be present in person. Parents must bring their identification documents, as well as the child’s birth certificate and NRIC (for children over 15 years of age).

Name change for foreigners

Foreigners who wish to change their names during a stay in Singapore should advise their embassy or consulate of their plans. While it is possible for foreigners to sign a Deed Poll in Singapore, the recognition of such Deed Poll in their home country will ultimately depend on their legislation.


A name change by Deed Poll is a straightforward procedure, which requires visiting lawyers to have your identity verified. An experienced attorney can draft a Deed Poll, witness its signature, and ensure that you are able to change your name in Singapore in the most efficient manner possible.
